Sunday, March 1, 2015

Introduction of The Yuan Bao Temple Gods (Part V)

Yuhuang 玉皇  (The Jade Emperor)

The Jade Emperor, known as Yuhuang 玉皇 or Yudi 玉帝 "Divine Jade Ancestor", Yuhuang shangdi 玉皇上帝 "Supreme Jade Emperor" or Yuhuang dadi 玉皇大帝 "Great Jade Emperor", is the highest deity in Daoism and Chinese popular religion and He personally determines all that happens in Heaven and on Earth, and for this purpose he has an enormous celestial administration at his disposal. The Jade Emperor is usually portrayed sitting on a throne, with a stern facial expression, which is meant to express calm and dignity. He is dressed in the ceremonial robes of an emperor, embroidered with dragons. On his head he wears the imperial headdress, from the front and back dangle thirteen strings of pearls. In his hands he holds a ceremonial plaque. He is one of the pure ones, the San-qing.

 Dong Hua Di Jun (東華帝君)

Dong Hua Di Jun (東華帝君) is the representative of Positive Energy (極陽之氣) of the whole Universe (萬物宇宙).

Yaochi Jinmu (瑤池金母)

Yaochi Jinmu(瑤池金母), The Queen Mother is a very popular figure with the belief that she was the giver of longevity, bliss, and prosperity. She gives life, causes and cures diseases, and imparts mystic wisdom. Energies of new growth surround her like a cloud. Yaochi Jinmu(瑤池金母), or the Golden Mother of the Shining Lake.

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