Saturday, January 31, 2015

Tanguan dessert

(Glutinous rice dumplings in sweet soup)

Now, I live in Yuan Bao temple with my friends from many countries like Malaysia ,Indonesia ,and Canada. Before,I had to prepare many things for this project. Moreover ,This is the first time that I went to other countries alone. So,I was so excited and a little bit nervous. And when I met other partners ,I didn't feel nervous anymore. I feel very happy and fun. I think we can be close friends quickly ,seeing that we have to do many things ,travelling ,and living together everyday.We are care each others. This chance is in my memory everlasting.    

Currently, the temple has a festival which called Fa Hui religious ceremony. And in here, many people come to the temple to participate this ceremony with the faith expression. Today is the 2nd day of the festival. The festival is 3 days long, and the last day is usually the busiest day.

Today volunteers are preparing foods for the closing day. All foods at the ceremony are vegetarian. Moreover, they are preparing a dessert called “Tangyuan” (Glutinous rice dumplings in sweet soup) to serve tomorrow. It is a traditional Chinese sweet, they make 2 colors, white and pink.

Tangyuan” is usually served at festivals or Chinese New Year, or anything that is celebrated. They are little glutinous rice balls, and served in syrup or broth. The little dumplings nestled together in the bowl represent togetherness!So,The next day,I will try Tangyuan. I think  its make me feel excited.

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