Monday, February 2, 2015

Fa Hui religious ceremony

Today is the last day of the “Fa Hui” religious ritual. “Fa Hui” is about thanking god for blessing them healthy and wealthy all the past year, while people go to donate some food for the deceased who don’t have relative by the priest do some action with his hand. After they are already done the ceremony, the priest will throw some coins and some foods such as desserts, fruit, and candy to the crowd who would like to keep it for good fortune and eat it.

In the ceremony they separate 2 parts to do different things. The first part is the stage inside the temple. They decorate the stage by textile, food, and many kinds of food. This stage is set for warship the 4 gods. The second part, they set up the tent opposite the temple. In the tent, they lay the many staffs such as dry food, incense, and triangle flag for respecting the deceased because they believed that when they do the ceremony, the deceased can get it.

Therefore, the temple is quite lively. There are plenty of people to worship the gods. Everyone must be prepared to make many kinds of food; most of all is vegetarian, use of the ritual at approximately morning until noon, in order to do good deeds in the afternoon.
It also is preparing vegetarian food given away to the people as well. There were also volunteers to do yesterday to serve dessert called “Tang Yuan” for people at the event. The special thing in this temple is Tang Yuan dessert is very well-known, because they are tasty and homemade.

My curiosity grew when I saw the face of the statue covered with a piece of red cloth before the ceremony started. According to the elderly, we only remove the cloth when the ceremony starts with glowing incense. Once the cloth is removed, the spirit of the statue which manages the ying’s world will possess that statue.

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