Monday, February 9, 2015

Yuan Bao Temple and Fu De Ci Temple

   On 2 february,  Mrs Huang Jin Ying from Lai Cuo Bu cultural association gave us information about this temple and the procedure for praying. This is because many people come to Yuan Bao Temple to pray but they do not really know about the taboo of praying. So, that is why she was there for us to explain the details and we need to give the right information by writing this post.
There is a censer which has three legs with dragon design for each god. According to Mrs. Huang, we cannot pray right in front of one leg, instead, stand between the two legs of the censer. This is because if we pray in front of one leg, what we ask from the god will turn up to be the opposite of what we wish for or we might get harmed in the future. She hopes everybody who come to this temple know the right way of praying.

   After the explanation, Mrs. Huang took us to the park which it is just in front of the temple. There are different species of flowers in the park. Since Lai Cuo Bu cultural association is a non-profit organization, they did not hire any worker to take care of the garden. Instead, Mrs. Huang’s husband who has green fingers manages the park: watering the flower, fertilizing the flower and designing the landscape of the park. She told us that 70 years ago, there were some people with the surname of Lai grew sugarcane and sold them. They used the money to develop the place, Lai Cuo Bu and Yuan Bao Temple is religious center of the place.

   After that, when I walked in the park, I saw many stones used to surround the trees as decoration. The stones have age of 100 years since there was a house being destroyed. The stones were collected and colored by the participants in a stone painting contest organized by Lai Cuo Bu cultural association. Everybody come here to relax such as playing chess, sitting in the park, exercising, jogging, hang out and many more.
After that, we went to Fu De Ci temple. It is just a walking distance from Yuan Bao temple. In Fu De Ci temple has 2 religion. 

   First, Taoism is a philosophical, ethical, political and religious tradition of Chinese origin that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao (also romanized as Dao). The term Tao means "way", "path" or "principle", and can also be found in Chinese philosophies and religions other than Taoism. In Taoism, however, Tao denotes something that is both the source of, and the force behind, everything that exists. 

    Second, Buddhism is a nontheistic religion or dharma, "right way of living", that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and practices largely based on teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha ("the awakened one"). According to Buddhist tradition, the Buddha lived and taught in the eastern part of the Indian subcontinent sometime between the 6th and 4th centuries BCE. He is recognized by Buddhists as an awakened or enlightened teacher who shared his insights to help sentient beings end their suffering through the elimination of ignorance and craving. Buddhists believe that this is accomplished through direct understanding and the perception of dependent origination and the Four Noble Truths. The ultimate goal of Buddhism is the attainment of the sublime state of Nirvana, by practicing the Noble Eightfold Path

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