Saturday, February 7, 2015

Wondering the green life around the temple? Longevity and miraculous of tree

Still remember the dried longan in my previous post? It is from the longan tree in Yuan Bao Temple!

This tree is the oldest longan tree (more than 200 years) in Taichung. It located in the right site of Yuan Bao Temple since Qing Dynasty. There is a story about the miraculous of longan tree while Taiwan under Japanese rules (between 1895-1945). The Japanese Datun Mayor is cordial and kind. One day, his wife seriously ill and after few months of  treatment, she had been informed by doctor that her ill is impossible to heal. In a night, she received God’s guidelines in her dream that need to worship for the god and tree in a temple stated in north. After the exploration, mayor and his wife went to Yuan Bao Temple and hence received the rune and some leaves of longan tree. The ill healed after the mayor’s wife drink the water boiled with the longan leaves. Since then they often bring along sake, candy and biscuits to worship in Yuan Bao Temple. They will pour the sake to the root of longan tree and the two imperial guardian lion of the temple.

Nevertheless, the tree almost die while 60 and more years ago. The typhoon attack cause the two main branches of the tree facture, hence the stem rotten due to oldness of the tree. Even there is only half of the tree bark left to support the life of tree and the leaves is five times smaller, but the tree still can produced fruits in August or September every year. The residents believed there is the divinity of Bao Sheng Da Di to protect the tree.

I feel the tree is amazing! Because it still can grow well by only the tree bark even it need the support from few stainless steel bar. I like this tree so much and sometime I feel comfortable while listening to the sound of the leaves wave.

Despite from the longan tree, there are two old chinese banyan trees located in front of the entrance of the temple. The people believe the old trees had its own spirit therefore they put up a small statue aside the tree for praying.

Unfortunately, the old tree at the right side falls down in few decades ago without omen.  The part of tree root rots due to the cement cover on the ground caused the tree unable to absorb the water and nutrients. Now a 30 and more year’s tree is plant here. I think we need do heedful to treat the natural life by follow natural ecosystem. The life is very precious and we do need to protect it.

Luckily, the another chinese banyan tree which carried more than 200 years life still stands at the left side of the temple entrance. Without a doubt, there is a small statue set beside the tree. It is said by old people, the people who cut down the branches in the past will encounter accident and injury. Therefore, they believe this tree might have a Tree God inside it.

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