Thursday, February 5, 2015

3-day Fa Hui

There are four purposes of having this 3-day Fa Hui from 30th January 2015 to 1st February 2015. 

i) To show thanksgving to Bei Dou Xing Jun for His blessings in all aspects, e.g. health, business, safety, study and etc.

ii) To pray Tai Sui Xing Jun god. This practice is actually a taboo for Taoism believers. There are 60 Tai Sui Xing Jun and they take turn to record all the good deeds and bad deeds of humans. The people believe that Tai Sui gods are fierce. Each year, for example, this year is the year of goat, mean one of the 60 gods who is now His turn to carry out His duty. So, for those who have the zodiac of goat and also who are 6 years younger than the goat-zodiac people will go against with the god on duty. He or she needs to pray the god at the beginning of the year and show gratitude at the end of the year to avoid unfortunate incidents happened on them.

iii) To thank the gods for ensuring the safety and peace of the followers since they sometimes ask for blessings from the gods whenever they need.

iv) To respect the spirit of dead and show thanksgiving to them for providing the peace to the yang’s world. Every year end, the believers will prepare a small banquet for them to show gratitude. They always need to show compassion to the spirits so that to achieve win-win situation between ying and yang world.

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