Monday, February 16, 2015

Introduction of The Yuan Bao Temple Gods (Part II)

Quan Yin, The Goddess of Mercy and Compassion.

Quan Yin, the goddess of mercy and compassion, is a manifestation of the divine mother and serves mankind.
kuanyin is called the goddess of mercy because she embodies the flame of mercy and compassion. we can pray to Her not only for comfort, healing, guidance and succor but also for mercy, compassion, and forgiveness. she show us through the flame of forgiveness how to free ourselves from all hardness of heart and teaches us to have compassion for all. she comes as the mother to dispel all maya (illusion).


Confusius, the great philosopher and educator of ancient China. Chinese philosopher Confucius developed his teachings more than 2,000 years ago. Confucius died in 479 BCE. However, the teachings he left to his disciples have had a lasting impact. Confucius taught the importance of developing human-heartedness, a deep caring or empathy for others. Understanding one’s position in society is central to this concept and is expressed through filial piety, called xiào in the Chinese language. Filial piety is the virtue of respect for one's ancestors and elders.

 Chi Kung

"Chi Kung", He always help the poor and righting wrongs.  speaks out on behalf of the weak and was much loved by the common people.
He goes by many names. The Mad Monk, The Drunk Monk and The Crazy Monk. He is usually shown barefoot, wears patched and tattered robes as a beggar, carries a bottle of wine and a fan with which he can perform magical feats.

Wenchang Dijun ( 文昌帝君)

Wenchang Dijun ( 文昌帝君) known as God of Knowledge and Examination. Wenchang Wang is often depicted as an elderly scholar accompanied by two attendants, Tianlong (天聾 or Heaven-Deaf) and Diya (地啞 or Earth-Mute). He has historically been called upon by scholars and writers who need inspiration or help right before an exam. He Invoked by scholars to assist them in their labors. He is especially venerated by people who require help with their entrance examinations for an official career. Wen-chang is believed to be the author of extensive literary works, which were revealed to man in various, miraculous ways.


Kueidou or Kuixing, God of Literature and Writing

Kuixing 魁星, or the God of Literature and Writing, was the most important deity for ancient scholars. Because the word “kui”, or the champion in the imperial examination, is formed with “gui” (ghost 鬼) and “dou” (the Bid Dipper 斗), ancient painters depicted the God of Literature and Writing as a ghost kicking at the Big Dipper. He is one of Wenchang’s servants, Kuixing was once a mortal in the academic world, a highly-talented student. Kuixing is often depicted standing on the head of a turtle waving a Chinese brush in the air.

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