Monday, February 9, 2015

Wish for the Best from Bao Sheng emperor

On 6th of February, Miss Lee taught us on how to ask blessing from the Bao Sheng emperor. Most of us asked about love and future partner because they hope to get good husband before they reach 30 years old.

The container is called as "Qian Tong".  “Qian" is the bamboo sticks inside the container. There are total of 67 bamboo sticks and one of the sticks is called "Tou Qian", which one needs to make a small donation for the temple. All the bamboo sticks are labeled with numbers in Chinese words and each of them has its explanation in all aspects, e.g. lawsuit, habitation, Feng shui, marriage, physiology, making money, job and fame, trip, family, friend and family from far away and lost property.

(from left to right) Xiao  Bei, Wu Bei, Wu Bei. All are Sheng Bei.

The thing that we can have a “conversation” between the Bao Sheng emperor and us is “Sheng Bei” as shown in the photo, which looks like two symmetric crescent moon. Whatever question we ask the God, we need to keep it short and straightforward, or else He might be confused.

Standing in front of the Bao Sheng emperor, before we ask for His help, we have to tell him our name, where we are from and our birthday so that He can identify us. Next, we need to toss the “Sheng Bei” to get the permission to ask a question from the God. If the answer is yes, you will have a “Xiao Bei” or else it will be a “Wu Bei”. After that, you start to ask your question, which can be related to family, relationship, business and so on which I mentioned above. Keep in mind that ask the question which the God is able to give a “yes” or a “no”.

And again, you need to ask permission from Him whether we can "qiu qian" or not. "Qiu qian" means making a wish and ask for His blessing by using 67 bamboo sticks.

Once you get a “Xiao Bei”, you can proceed the next step, taking a bamboo stick. Use both hands to grab the all the bamboo sticks at a certain height and release them to see which stick bound the highest in the container. The highest one will be the message from the God. As I mentioned above, if you get a “Tou Qian”, you have to make a donation to the temple and then only repeat the same procedure as shown in the flowchart below. 

And last but not least, get the message according to the number on the stick you get from the counter. There are many aspects in the paper (message/reply), however the reply from the God is true only for the aspect that you asked, whereas the rest is just for reference.

You might think that it is just a kind of prediction but somehow, to me, it is quite true. Because sometimes when you feel you have no other choice or helpless, you will wish you can solve the problem smoothly with the God's guideline or clue. No matter how, it is a kind of belief. Believe it or not, it depends on how you see it from different perspectives. 

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