Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Special Sunday in Yuan Bao Temple

This was the best Sunday because it had special activities happened on Yuan Bao Temple. They were 2 activities at the same time. Moreover, both activities were free, so no wonder that why this day the temple was very lively.
The first one is medical diagnosis by China Medical University (CMU) and the second one is calligraphy on the red paper by masters.

The first activity is medical diagnosis for the people who would like to check up their health by volunteer doctor from Chinese medicine, China Medical University. There were many people join in this activity because Chinese medical is well-known in Taiwan. Some volunteers are trainee who going to be the doctor in the next 2-3 years. So, when the doctor explained about the problem that patients faced, the trainee studied at the same time, or we can call on the job training. I think that is mutual benefit for both trainees and people. I really like this activity. I also joined for checkup my health. Something surprised me is the doctor can directly diagnose the disease by touch patient’s wrist just around 5-8 minutes. When doctor touched, he or she has to concentrate on taking the patient’s pulse. I think the doctor have to practice for a long times. After checking up and diagnosing, everyone got some herbal powder medicines depending on their problems. The pharmacist prepared the medicine for a while by weighing the herbal followed by the doctor’s prescription. And then the people went to get the medicine and learn how to use it. 


Second activity is calligraphy in the red paper with the gold color for hang on Chinese New year. Masters wrote down on that paper that the sentence or words are followed the people wanted. Those are all the good meaning such as brings the good fortune, for health, happiness, and peacefulness etc. The master is really expert in this kind of thing. They made the font very beautiful and fast. When the people got the paper, they will hang it in their house because they believe that the word which the master wrote down will bring the good fortune to them in the next years.
Once,I thought that the tradition Chinese letter is very hard to study and it is useless. But now, I realize that the traditional Chinese font is very splendid and worth, so should to preserve for the next generations.   

Accounting to this temple has many good activities beside normally worship the god, Yuan Bao temple is as in the heart of local and broad people. That why this temples remain in many centuries and forever.

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