Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Introduction of Yuan Bao Temple in Taichung

Here is Yuan Bao Temple (Yuan Bao Gong). If you just see outside the temple, you may think that it looks small. But, if you come inside, you will realize that Yuan Bao Temple is very huge and have many exciting ,amazing things waiting for you.

Okay,Let's "Come and see Yuan Bao Gong" 

Yuan Bao Gong is a temple that was established in 1791.It is located on the three-way intersection of  Daya Road ,Jinhwa North Road and  Meichuan west Road in Taichung,Taiwan. At the gate of the temple, there are 2 old trees which have more than 200 year, standing beside the main gate. It is very huge. The gate itself has an intricate design on the top.Inside the small tradition courtyard is a wrought iron ghost money furnace.The entrance to temple itself has more traditional multicolored wood carvings.Inside the temple,it has 5 floors.We can come here and worship.There are God Yu-Huan ,god Don-Hua, goddess Jin-Mu,god San-Kuan ,god of Agriculture, god Siyuan-Tien ,god Wu-Dou ,god dou-Mu and god Tai-shuei. 

Opposite the temple has a little garden. It is in-charged  by Lai Cuo Bu Cultural Association. Lai Cuo Bu is a place named after the incident which the Lai (surname) family produced sugar cane in Taichung and sold in China. The money that they earned was used to develop Lai Cuo Bu and Yuan Bao Temple is a religious center of the place. This is why most of the residents staying near Yuan Bao Temple have the surname of Lai. In the garden, we can come to enjoy this wonderful place because the garden has lots of trees and flowers such as Sakura, Rose, Marigold etc. Those flora and fauna are actually managed by the association itself. Furthermore,there are some fitness facilities for public use to work out and build their body. It is so shady, natural and beautiful for the people to relax.


  1. Dear Sir/ Madam

    Please be informed that I am an Iranian woman, university Professor. I am invited by National Chung Hsing University for a research project.
    I live in Taichung now. My friend informed me that there is a basic meditation course in Yuan Bao Temple during 2-3 March, but unfortunately there is not possibility for me to register in the course, as the participants are selected by now.
    As I am really interested in meditation, and cannot take part in other courses during my stay in Taiwan, would you please accept me as the participant in this course?

    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Sincerely yours,
    Zahra Karimi

  2. Dear Sir/ Madam

    Please be informed that I am an Iranian woman, university Professor. I am invited by National Chung Hsing University for a research project.
    I live in Taichung now. My friend informed me that there is a basic meditation course in Yuan Bao Temple during 2-3 March, but unfortunately there is not possibility for me to register in the course, as the participants are selected by now.
    As I am really interested in meditation, and cannot take part in other courses during my stay in Taiwan, would you please accept me as the participant in this course?

    I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Sincerely yours,
    Zahra Karimi

