Monday, February 16, 2015

Week of experiencing in Yuan Bao Temple (Watch out: Antiques found!)

Last week is the week of acquisition for me. A lot of activities I had been participated are meaningful and interesting. Yuan Bao Temple is not just a place for you to worship to the god but also is a place to provide a lot of free activities for the residents.

This is the first time I received the examination of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). This is organized by China Medical University and Yuan Bao Temple. I feel TCM is very cool and amazing because doctor will know our body and health by just only request from patient, tongue diagnosis and pulse diagnosis. This activity can help people to know they body well and free medicine will be given out. Service of acupuncture also provided. Of course, I won’t miss out this opportunity to receive my first time acupuncture experience. It is funny and feeling a little bit paralysis on my hand.

The needle of acupuncture only can remove after 15 minutes. At the end, I received 3 days powder medicine and free bottle of muscle relaxing. The powder medicine is taste bitter for me. There will be another TCM medical checkup in Yuan Bao Temple on 10th June 2015.

Despite from free TCM medical checkup, there are also some free activities; one of them is free New Year couplets. Couplets represent the auspicious meaning to Chinese; therefore you will see there are couplets posts on the wall of the house during Chinese New Year. 

Another activity is distributing the alms to the aged and the people who need help. Total of 642 alms will give out and it is the blessing from Bao Sheng Da Di. Therefore, the people need to thanks to Bao Sheng Da Di before get the alms from the officers. I feel warm in Yuan Bao Temple, because the activity here is very meaningful and help a lot of people. I also the one of the beneficiaries by received the free medical checkup. 

Now is the most excited part for my week experience. The antiques, yes! The antiques from the Qing Dynasty are keep in the temple which almost more than 200 years. Here is the board that list out the years of the antiques kept. Other than the statue of the Bao Sheng Da Di (which also has more than 200 years), the others name of antiques were record on the board.

Here is the table use for placement of the God Statue- Bao Sheng Da Di in the past. This table is made of camphor wood and has 225 years of history. The people of the temple keep the table in good condition. The gold paint of the table is never repainted since being manufactured. The right picture shows the year of the table gifted to Yuan Bao Temple.

This table has around 182 years of history.

Both tripod censer and copper bell has around 193 years of history.

The drum shelf has around 188 years of history. 

In additional, there are four old horizontal inscribed boards are hanging up in the temple of Bao Sheng Da Di.

The two inscribed boards has around 204 years and 202 years of history respectively.

The years of history for these two inscribed boards in unknown as I unable to see the years of the written as the font is fuzzy. However, it is more than 100 years and above.

Is my pleasure to see these antiques. They are look new because they are being kept well. I feel happy to see these stuff. Thanks to Yuan Bao Temple to allow me have a lot of experiencing of this week.

Note: The years of history is refer to the board I upload above. If any mistaken please do let me know because I really respect and appreciate these treasure.

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