Sunday, February 15, 2015

Introduction of The Yuan Bao Temple Gods (Part I)

       Yuanbao tample is located on the three-way intersection of daya road, jinhwa north road and meichuan west road. having been built for over two hunderd years, the temple as numerous believers throughout the island, and is one of the most important religion center in central taiwan.


          The temple offers sacrifices in worshiping to buddha bausheng, which is also known as "Master Dadou" , who was a famous doctor in north song dynasty. through his life,  master  dadou was respected by people as a kind and excellent doctor. after his death, he was worshiped by people in fuchien and Taiwan.

Baosheng Dadi 保生大帝

Lord Baosheng (保生大帝 Baosheng Dadi or Pao Sheng Ta Ti) Known as Wu Tao (吳本) during his lifetime, he worked as a physician and is credited with once bringing a dusty skeleton back to life. After his death he gained a reputation for interceding in what seemed to be hopeless cases. He led a diligent and virtuous life devoted to healing the sick and ridding the world of disease. Even after his enlightenment he chose to stay in the mortal realm to continue to ease suffering. He was a skilled doctor and Taoist practitioner who was credited with performing medical miracles,  including applying eye drops to a dragon’s eye and removing a foreign object from a tiger’s throat. he began to be worshiped as a deity. His deified status was officially recognized by the Hongxi Emperor of the Ming Dynasty who conferred on him the title of “Imperial Inspector at Heavenly Gate, Miracle Doctor of Compassion Relief, Great Taoist Immortal, and the Long-lived, Unbounded, Life Protection Emperor.


         On the first  floor of the major temple hall of Yuan Bao temple is the statue of general Guan Yu  (關羽), goddess of childbearing and the civil god.

Guan Yu (關羽)

Guan Yu (關羽), the red-faced, bearded hero of the Three Kingdoms and symbol of loyalty. He is the patron God of policemen and law, and gangsters, as he shows forgiveness, and often also serves as "Wu Sheng". Guan Yu (Kuan Yu) (died 219) was a general serving under the warlord Liu Bei during the late Eastern Han Dynasty of China. He played a significant role in the civil war that led to The Collapse of the Han Dynasty and the establishment of the state of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period, of which Liu Bei was the first emperor. Guan Yu: Dharma Protecting deity who helps practitioners with worldly matters. Historically, he was a legendary military general (160-219 CE), loyal to Emperor Liu Bei. Also known as the "Lord with the Magnificent Beard," he is usually depicted with a red face (symbolizing extreme courage and loyalty) and holding a long-handled sword known as a "guandao." He is regarded as a Taoist saint and god of war and martial arts. After he died he sought refuge with a Buddhist master and quickly obtained liberation whereupon he became a protector of the Dharma.

Zhusheng Niangniang (註生娘娘)

"The Maiden Who Brings Children"), also referred to in Taiwan as Zhusheng Niangniang (註生娘娘),
The Goddess of Childbirth or Zhu Sheng Niang Niang is a fertility deity in the Taoist patheon.
Goddess of Birth and Childcare is in charge of pregnancy, delivery of infant, protection of mother and child.
Women who hope to have children or these who are productivity challenged pray to her for help in conceiving and safe delivery.

Cheng Huang
Cheng Huang, ( Chinese: “Wall and Moat”) also known as Chenghuang Shen, Wade-Giles romanization Ch’eng Huang,  in Chinese mythology, the City God, or the spiritual magistrate and guardian deity of a particular Chinese city. Because dead spirits reputedly informed the god of all good and evil deeds within his jurisdiction, it was popularly believed that devout prayers offered in Cheng Huang’s temple.

         Yuanbao temple enjoys its long history. ever since it was built, the temple has been maintaining its tradition, its mission of passing throug its history. it glorifies the kind spirit in traditional culture, teaching people to have mercy, help the needs, guiding right from wrong and cultivating a peaceful land in our heart.

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